Recorded herein are hundreds of images from 2008 to 2016 

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It may have been in the summer of 2001 that Monica and I were cycling the Poco Trail when I noticed a fellow (Ted Wingrove) handing out pamphlets in a clearing near Hyde Creek. He told me that the Hyde Creek Watershed Society was hoping to build a hatchery there.  When I got back to Monica, she asked me what that was all about and I said that I was not sure but I did like his hat.

Some months later, as I was sitting in my electrical shop at the terminal, I remembered that hat and pulled out the pamphlet from my coat pocket. It occurred to me that this was something the company might be interested in as it had the two big E's - Environment and Education in one package. The upstairs of the building would be a fully functioning education center and the main floor would be a hatchery to raise Chum and Coho salmon. 

I sent off a proposal to the appropriate company department at Petro-Canada. After some time, I got a reply that stated there would be three donations totaling $75,000 to aid in construction of the facility. 

During my 14 years as a society director, I took on many tasks and learned a lot about what I consider the miracle of salmon - an absolutely amazing creature.

It has been a privilege to volunteer with members of the community to help keep the salmon coming back to Hyde Creek and to teach the younger generation about this precious resource. 


Spring 2016

 A teacher from a local elementary school came by and gave the society a quilt that was made by her students a while back.  Each square was made by a different student but sewn together they tell the life story of Salmon.

Time for the Spring ponded Salmon weigh with plenty of volunteers to help.

 Almost 11,000 young Coho in the pond and we need an average weight per fish to decide how much fish food to give them in the future.  These fish weighs take place every two months.

After we collect the fish from the pond they are put in a bucket and then weighted.


Another task completed and a job well done.

 Already another project could be in the planning stages for next week.  There is always something to do

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