14th Annual Salmon Festival - November 17, 2013

The morning started with a bit of drizzle but around noon it cleared up.  The crowds came and there was lots to see.  There were plenty of Salmon in the creek.  All in all, it was another successful festival.

Click on images to enlarge them


























FISH AND EGG TAKE - November, 2013

 This is one of two fish takes so far this fall in order to get our quota of Salmon eggs, both Chum and Coho.  The weather both days was perfect for the task at hand.

Click on images to enlarge them.

One group moves the Salmon up the creek.

Another group goes through the culvert under the major road to move Salmon toward the other group. 
They come together near the collection bank.
We start netting them and look for the type we want and how many of them that we need.
This looks like a fine Coho.

Into the bag they go and up into the hatchery tanks.

 In the holding troughs, the Salmon are left to calm down.

Some time later, the Salmon are inspected and any ready to have eggs taken are removed from the troughs.

The sperm is taken from the male Coho.
The eggs are taken from the female Coho.

The fertilized eggs are weighed.
Eggs are placed in the Egg Trays and water is then turned on to provide oxygen for the eggs. 
 Photo by Jean Peachman.
The returning Salmon look strong and healthy.

 All this work has been done just before our upcoming 14 Annual Salmon Festival on November 17th.  This is indeed our busiest, and rewarding,  time of the year