The theme revolves around art and how each group uses it to showcase their projects.
Of course, art can also have a message as well!
Streamkeepers started arriving in the afternoon to A Rocha Field Studies & Ecology Centre in Surrey and many had their art in hand.
A Rocha is a wonderful place for this event as it has open fields.
It has pleasent walkways around a little pond.
It was a green shady area on a hot sunny day.
Scattered about the lake were little cabins for guests to stay at.
The main building was near the gardens.
Streamkeepers could venture out in the fields to see the operation of the farm.
There were numerous green houses.
It was cool in the barn as well.
We have had plenty of fun in the barn in past years with dancing and karaoke.
T-Shirt designs are an art form too, I think.
The grassy area was where many showed off their art work.
One artist carved the most incredible figures of wildlife.
This carved duck was breathtaking in its detail. The artist can make copies to order and that is even more incredible!
Hyde Creek were rather proud of their monogrammed Beer Steins. Hey, that's art too!
Maple Creek made a display of edible art. It was very popular.
Scott hung a fine quilt on the wall.
There was action at the entrance.
Everyone was invited to try their hand at paper plane flying into the opening.
Each person had a distinctive technique.
Some people did't let a little red tape bother them.
The group was brought together for important notices.
There was a little history of the Stream of Dreams group.
Time for a thankyou piece of cake.
Mmm, that was good cake. Now it is time for formal photos. Everyone smile on cue.
Most of the Hyde Creek group got their photo with their formal fish ties on.
Zo Ann showed off art work she was high bidder on at the Silent Auction.
Everyone enjoyed a fine dinner in good company.
In the late evening we all had a Whine Session where we got things off our minds.
Jack White volunteered to try to get streamkeeper groups together to see if we can double the number of 'Salmon in the Classroom' teachers in the future. Will your group send a rep when called on?
It was a good Whine Session. Later, those who stayed on retired to the barn for some Nintendo action games.