Member Profile - Jean Peachman

 In 2002, Jean Peachman became formally involved with the Hyde Creek Watershed Society (HCWS) and the start of a remarkable journey, which is highlighted not only with the building of the Hyde Creek Education Centre & Hatchery but with the development of an excellent educational experience. 

Jean’s volunteering roles have been many and varied within HCWS.  For most of her time as a member, Jean has ably been filling the positions of Treasurer, Secretary or Director-at-Large, and always the extremely valuable role of ‘fundraiser extraordinaire.' 

HCWS relies heavily on Jean’s numerous network connections with business, community and local government organizations and individuals, to facilitate the raising of over $450,000 to build the Education Centre & Hatchery, as well as $10,000-$12,000 annually for our ongoing operations.

Jean and society members at RBC's Blue Water event.

Jean helps with HCWS’ partnership, participation and promotion of numerous community initiatives such as the Healthy Kids Fair, Pitch-In for PoCo Pride, City-Wide Yard Sale, Earth Day, PoCo May Day parade, TreeFest, World Rivers Day, RBC Blue Water Initiative, to name a few.

Aside from the administrative paper-pushing tasks that not many want to volunteer for, Jean is also willing to pitch in with the hands-on tasks at the hatchery and the watershed, giving educational tours of the facility and creek, promoting the group at numerous community and environmental events in addition to the ongoing maintenance/cleaning of our facility.

 Classes and groups from School District 43 (Coquitlam), private schools, ESL, scouts/brownies, pre-schoolers to college/university students, and community organizations have attended our facility and utilized information that Jean was instrumental in creating. 
Since joining HCWS, Jean has always assisted in organizing and participating in two very important functions, our annual Open House and Fish Release in April and our annual Hyde Creek Salmon Festival in November.  Our Spring Open House invites the community to visit our site, displays, and help with the moving of salmon fry from tanks into the rearing pond. 

Our Fall Salmon Festival draws approximately 6,000 visitors to a family orientated, educational and fun event, averaging 40+/- supporting groups.

Jean has helped in partnering with other organizations and businesses such as the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Big Bike Ride.  Here some of our members join Petro-Canada's ride to help raise over $4,000 in a twenty minute bike ride on a bike built for 30 riders.

2013 is Port Coquitlam's 100th birthday and Jean was awarded a special honor.
Jean was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for the City of Port Coquitlam in front of 400 guests at a gala evening event.

Mayor Moore presents Jean with the award.

At the 2013 Coquitlam Environmental Awards event, Jean Peachman was presented with the Adult Volunteer Environmental Award for her many years of service to the community. 

 Coquitlam Mayor Stewart and council members pose with Jean at the awards ceremony.
Jean Peachman is indeed a busy bee!